HMM names new CEO

03月17日 13:57:35

Kyung-bae Kim has been appointed as the next Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of HMM.

HMM has selected Kyung-Bae Kim, former CEO of Hyundai Glovis, as its final candidate to be the next HMM CEO.

This follows a review of multiple candidates by the CEO Recommendation Committee on February 9.

In the selection process, a range of competencies, including leadership skills, overall competence and professional knowledge, are considered in order to find the best candidates.

Kyung-Bae Kim is regarded as a logistics expert, he has led the company to steady growth during his roughly nine years as CEO of Hyundai Glovis.

As a veteran with extensive experience and outstanding capabilities at the executive level, Mr. King will lay the foundation for HMM's sustainable development and play an important role in expanding its global market influence.

The appointment agenda for the new chief executive will be held on March 29, and he will be in full swing after approval by the board and the general meeting of shareholders.


source: new han shipping

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